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Background and name of Sujanagar Upazila

Background and name of Sujanagar Upazila:

Suznagar is located between 23N latitude and 28N latitude and 7 from east longitude 3  east longitude. Sujanagar Upazila belongs to Pabna district. Located on the flood plains created by the Padma river-bound floodplain, the town has many rich and rich history and heritage. The original name of Sujanagar is Govindganj. At the end of the reign of the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, the son of King Shah Shuja fled to Arakan in a series of disputes that arose between his sons over the capture of the throne. During his stay in Arakan he stayed at Sujanagar for 6 nights. Sujanagar was named by the people of the area to keep this abolition of Youth Raj Shah Shujaar everlasting.